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GigabitNow Selects Cannon Companies as Construction Partner for California Gigabit Fiber Network March 18, 2016

Sea Ranch Fiber to the Home Network Construction Begins

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Sponsoring Iron Riders Organization March 14, 2016

IsoFusion is a proud sponsor of the Iron Riders organization. Iron Riders is made up of a small group of high school students who create, design and build robots for competition. The group works out of Roosevelt High School here in Seattle, WA. The team is comprised of competitive, curious and determined high school students.

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GigabitNow launches its first ever fiber internet service to Northern California Coast March 11, 2016

Seattle-based FTTH pioneer, GigabitNow, announces their first network in California

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From Telegraphs to the World Wide Web - A Brief History of the Internet May 27, 2015

What would your workplace be like if you didn’t have the Internet? Instead of doing a quick Google search for your presentation, you’d have to travel to the library and spend hours researching through books. Instead of advertising your products online, you’d reach a much smaller audience. Instead of sending emails and chatting online with clients, you’d have to send mail-which wouldn’t arrive for days.

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Faster Than Fiber April 08, 2015

Google and Comcast’s foray into the world of fiber optics has made fiber Internet a household name. Little by little, Internet subscribers are asking more from their ISPs and finding the service they crave with the gigabit-per-second Internet speeds. Homes with Internet-enabled televisions, multiple smartphones and online gaming systems are all excellent candidates for the increased capacity offered by fiber Internet.

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Gigabit internet connections for customers located in office and residential buildings as well as large scale communities. GigabitNow offers full featured, ultra-fast, fiber based internet connectivity options at low cost rates.

Server colocation across the Puget Sound region, with data centers in Seattle, South Hill, Redmond, Bellevue, and Tacoma. Including superior connectivity, cooling, and power to ensure your servers and applications are always available.

Business Internet connectivity and IT support services. Fast, reliable options including gigabit fiber, business-class circuits, dedicated wireless, and a full range of IT Support services.

Business-class dedicated server and cloud hosted services. Including cutting edge Dell dedicated servers, Parallels powered Virtual Private Server options, and Plesk based hosting.

Business-grade VoIP and SIP services. Modern business phone features including toll-free and local number options, free long distance, fax to email, Find-Me-Follow-Me call routing, and more.

Residential internet connectivity and phone services. Fast internet connection options, reliable home phone telephone services, and personal web page hosting.